Chenhui Xu

Ph.D student of University at Buffalo, SUNY, in Computer Science and Engineering

© Chenhui Xu. All rights reserved.

About Me

Welcome to Chenhui Xu’s home page.

I am now a first-year doctoral student in X-Lab of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Univeristy at Buffalo. Prior to this, I spent two years in IF Lab of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Geroge Mason University under the guidance of Prof. Xiang Chen. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from University of Science and Technology of China.

I am advised by Prof. Jinjun Xiong at University at Buffalo and co-advised by Prof. Xiang Chen at Peking University.

My current research interests include physics-informed neural networks, backbone neural networks in computer vision, out-of-distribution detection, and multi-modality models. In backbone networks, I am now working on the quadratic neural networks and inner product of feature space; in OOD detection, I am now working a feature ensemble method. At the same time, I am actively studying quantum computing and attempting to get some inspiration from it.



Education Background

University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA
  • Pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering Aug. 2024∼present
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
  • Transfer to UB, Computer Engineering Aug. 2022∼May. 2024
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
  • Bachelor of Sciences in Statistics Aug. 2017∼ Jun. 2021


Contact Information

Davis Hall, Room 341

Computer Science & Engineering Department

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY, USA 14260


Phone: +1(703)973–0703